Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Yogyakarta is located in Central Java. Yogyakarta was found at 1775 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Yogyakarta is the Culture City and the Historical City. Because the Development of Yogyakarta City still maintains Historical Values and Javanese Culture. Yogyakarta is the unique of city looking for the culture and the historical values. Because of it, Yogyakarta is one of many cities as picnic objects.


posted by StemsaKing @ 12.53   0 comments
Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Grand Mosque is located at west of north alun – alun from Kraton Yogyakarta.
Grand Mosque built in 1773 by Sri Sultan hamengkubuwono I. On this place there are special room for conducted religion ceremony. Grand Mosque is Javanese architectural style with special roof are “Tajug”. “Tajug” is Javanese roof for religion building.


posted by StemsaKing @ 21.44   0 comments

"Garebeg" is treditional ceremony conducted by Kraton Yogyakarta. Garebeg conducted as simbolize of almsgiving of King to his people. Garebeg conducted at three times. There are "Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW, Syawal on Idul Fitri and Idul Adha". Garebeg ceremony conducted with Gunungan. Gunungan consist of vegetables, fruits and many others. Gunungan guarded by Kraton Soldier. On the "Grand Mosque", Gunungan prayed by “Abdi Dalem” and then it snatched by many people.


posted by StemsaKing @ 21.29   0 comments
Kamis, 05 Februari 2009


Wayang yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk visual tiga dimensi layaknya boneka. Lakon – lakon yang digelar umumnya diambil dari cerita Menak. Dengan pertunjukan wayang ini penonton dibuat kagum oleh bentuk dan gerak – gerak menyerupai manusiadan dikemas oleh busana yang indah dan semarak.


The Puppet in the form of a visual three dimensional dolls the withdrawal and made by wood. The story is taken from the generally held Menak story. With this puppet show made audiences amazed by the form and movements  resembles man and packed by clothes and a beautiful shine.


posted by StemsaKing @ 19.07   0 comments


Mahabarata adalah salah satu teater yang digemari orang – orang di dunia setelah Ramayana. Dalam pedalangan Jawa kisah Mahabarata terdiri dari 209 Episode. Tiap episode dalam pedalangan Jawa biasanya digelar semalam suntuk yakni dimulai dari seusai salat isya hingga mulai salat subuh. Dalam kisah Mahabarata versi Jawa banyak gubahan dari versi aslinya. Gubahan ini dilakukan oleh para pujangga Jawa karena pada masa Agama Islam telah masuk di tanah Jawa. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak ajaran – ajaran asli mahabarata banyak yang melenceng dari ajaran Agama Islam.


Mahabarata theater is one tune that peoples in the world after the Ramayana. In Javanese puppetry Mahabarata story consists of 209 episodes. Each episode puppetry in Java usually held the night too late after the start of Prayer ISYA begin to dawn prayers. Mahabarata story in many versions of Java version of the original composition. Composition is done by the poet in the Java because Islam has been entered in the land of Java. This is because many  teachings that many mahabarata original swerve from the teachings of Islam.


posted by StemsaKing @ 19.01   0 comments
Senin, 02 Februari 2009

english version;
Ramayan is one of the tune The theater people of the world. The theater consists of Ramayana The shadowgraph and a puppet show consists of 25 episodes and Ramayana Ballet consists Episode 4. The puppet for each episode is done for the night while the whole Ramayana Ballet performed in Yogyakarta, especially in the west Prambanan held each episode on the evening of the Purnama in May until October. The story of a story in the Ramayana is graven in  relief of Prambanan temple.
Ramayana recounts this adventure Prabu Ramawijaya bead god Vishnu in order to maintain Peace of world with Prabu Rahwana defeat the evil King alengka and his wife have also been abducted Prabu Ramawijaya the famous beautiful dainty namely Dewi Sinta. In his adventure of Prabu Ramawijaya assisted by Lesmana his brother , King Prabu Sugriwa monkey of Cave Kiskenda, Hanoman the white monkey and a fairy mandraguna in to attack the country Alengka Prabu Ramawijaya assisted by Bhatara Baruna as the God of Ocean.

versi Indonesia;
Ramayan adalah salah satu pagelaran teater yang digemari masyarakat dunia. Pagelaran teater ramayana terdiri dari pagelaran wayang kulit dan golek yang terdiri dari 25 Episode dan Sendratari Ramayana terdiri 4 Episode. Untuk pagelaran wayang tiap episode dilakukan semalam suntuk sedangkan untuk sendratari Ramayana khususnya di Yogyakarta dilakukan di sisi barat Candi Prambanan yang digelar tiap episode pada malam Purnama yakni pada bulan Mei sampai Oktober. Kisah - kisah Ramayana ini terukir di dalam relief - relief Candi Prambanan.
Ramayana ini menceritakan petualangan Prabu Ramawijaya titisan Dewa Wisnu guna menjaga kadamaian Dunia dengan mengalahkan Prabu Rahwana Raja alengka yang jahat dan juga telah menculik istri Prabu Ramawijaya yang terkenal cantik jelita yakni Dewi Sinta. Dalam pengembaraannya Prabu Ramawijaya dibantu oleh saudaranya Lesmana , Parabu Sugriwa Raja Kera Gua Kiskenda , Hanoman si kera putih yang sakti mandraguna serta dalam penyerangan ke Negeri Alengka sang Prabu Ramawijaya dibantu oleh Dewa Lautan Bathara Baruna.


posted by StemsaKing @ 21.44   0 comments
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Name: StemsaKing
Home: Jetis City, DIY, Indonesia
About Me: The real of best student in SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta ( STM 1 )
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