Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Shadow Puppet is a traditional art that displays a puppeteer who plays with the leather puppet story Mahabarata setting or Ramayana. The show is accompanied gamelan music and tembang Javanese strain of the Waranggana. The show is done on time - a certain time as in the events Mitoni, Ruwatan, Clean Village, etc.. Puppet show performed at the time of the night after the Isya Prayer Prayer time until dawn. Shadow Puppet Art / Art Perkeliran this is the work of the original Nation Indonesia although there are stories - stories of Culture as Mahabarata Import and Ramayana. After the entry of Islam in the archipelago, especially in the period of the "Wali Sanga" Art Wayang this much because they modify the content many teachings - teachings that swerve at the time of Islam. Because the accomplishment of the poet - poet Islam to the Javanese Wayang breath at the time that make the puppets the Humoris Karikaturis also called Punakawan as Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong, Togog, Sarawita, Cangik, Limbuk, etc.. Besides there are also others such as the original figures Antareja, Antasena, Wisanggeni, Patih Gandamana, Buto Cakil, etc.. Added also some original stories such as Dewa Ruci act Arjunawiwaha the inside and full of philosophical meaning, so that both should be used for the teaching of the true nature of life in the glorious day - the day.


posted by StemsaKing @ 19.31  
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